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Gender disparity in digital platforms
Due in large part to the sense of elation that comes from being well-informed about our surroundings through social media, digital access has become an indispensable aspect of our daily lives. Without constant internet access, it would be challenging to live in this generation in the first place. We would not only be estranged from society and the actual world, but we would also be deprived of important news from all around the world. Focusing on the main issue at hand, it can be stated that official data indicates that 54% of women worldwide still lack internet access. This implies that from their place of residence, they have no access to the outside world. While this may come as a shock, it is depressing to learn that women still do not have full access to many of the 21st century’s essential modernized features. It would be equivalent to taking away something that would ultimately prevent them from expanding.
Importance of online ratings in shaping perception
Women are more likely than men to fall victim to online fraud, according to a wealth of documented data. Compared to men, women still experience anxiety when making purchases online, which has a profound impact on how they use technology in many different contexts. Reviews of products that are better suited for women are not always positive. Product reviews are evidently a significant factor in the decision-making process for the majority of consumers who shop online. In a recent study, Amazon provided the researcher with an explanation of how they interpret author-based reviews and apply them to assist customers in making purchases. They have stated that they use gender-based signaling controllers to identify the gender of the customer, mainly from their usernames or handles. The main method for determining which content ranks highest among reviewed products is to use discrepancies in opinion, whether intentionally or inadvertently. It is common knowledge that reviews pertaining to computers and electronics are less helpful when the author is a woman. This issue is comparatively less prevalent in beauty and clothing product reviews.
Factors contributing to Gender Disparity
- Social and cultural stereotypes
Preconceived notions about the traits and qualities of particular genders are referred to as gender stereotypes. For instance, women are assigned to be caregivers and are accountable for housekeeping. In contrast, men are viewed as adaptable leaders when it comes to generating income and maintaining the family’s financial stability. These indifferent ways of specifying roles for genders and limiting them within the boundaries of their responsibilities have ultimately proven to be very problematic for women of all ages. Gender stereotypes, in most cases, have been reportedly misused, and human rights are oftentimes exploited. Women from all sectors of society fall victim to the violation of their basic rights.
The entire concept of gender stereotypes has also led to an increased number of cases of sexual abuse and harassment all over the world. Women have always had to live with the consequences of the titles assigned to them.
Harassment has long-standing negative effects, including cruel behaviors like child marriage, adolescent pregnancy, and child labor. For the longest known duration, women in rural areas were aware of these significances.
Women who perform the same amount of labor and put in the same number of hours are paid less in the workplace due to gender inequality. The inadequate compensation is accompanied by the dubious safety of women. - Lack of tech diversity
Workplaces that are primarily composed of tech firms have a lower number of female employees. The Times of India has reported that less than 27% of the entire population in the tech industry represents women. The reasons recorded varied from sexual harassment to the availability of opportunities provided to them as compared to their counterparts. The negative consequences of these have impacted women on a wide scale.
Companies are required to include programmes that encourage more women to step up and join the workforce. To enforce the policy and close the gender-based wage gap, educational institutions and the government must support it.
The effects of gender disparity on individuals
Because gender differences have a profound psychological effect on people, they often inflict harm. Extended stress, lowered self-esteem, trauma’s aftereffects, and a host of other issues are possible consequences. People’s everyday well-being has been affected, and the fallout from gender discrimination has also affected people’s mental health.
People of all sexual orientations are now victims of gender discrimination. People belonging to the LGBTQ+ spectrum are also targeted. They are banned from several social activities and even workspaces. The consequences of this harassment lead to fatal results. Oftentimes, we come across life stories of several people who have undergone severe trauma in their workfields from their counterparts and even coworkers. Usually, it starts off gently with “sarcasm,” which intensifies as their identity is questioned and becomes more menacing.
Apart from workplaces, gender shaming continues in movie theaters, metro stations, railway stations, airports, shopping malls, and other places that have social gatherings.
It is not unknown to any of us that women are frequently judged for the most normal things that they do. For wearing clothes of their choice, for choosing a lifestyle that they like, for renting places, and for making friends. The societal pressures of the past hundreds of generations have silenced women and prevented them from exercising their right to independence.
Numerous case studies demonstrate how women are still many steps away from having equal access to digital or social media resources. One of the observational case studies in 2021 shows how women are deprived of mobile access in several regions of South Asia.
We have grown increasingly reliant on our electronics, particularly since the lockdown started. Only after this complete period of time spent with our loved ones and ourselves have we realized how important it is to stay in touch with the outside world and stay informed. Amidst this diverse and constantly evolving world, we cannot imagine staying disconnected from anything that is occurring in any part of the world. Despite certain limitations on sharing digital platforms, we are all aware of fashion trends and movements across the world. It is only then that we can remain up-to-date with social changes and occurrences. We would definitely be pretty distressed when asked to go on a detox or live without the use of our handy devices. It’s almost equivalent that we have constricted the world in our devices, and all the little reasons to socialize any further have been depleted. Not only do we connect with the world through these devices, but we also create our own communities and safe spaces for people like ourselves. The Internet is the primary source of information in the world, and only those who are devoid of it are aware of what they are missing out on. Possession of digital access has become an integral part of human’s basic necessities.

The gender disparity has been an age-old issue that has kept women from evolving in many ways. It has kept women locked behind their doors, caused them immense trauma and identity crises, and even led them to take their own lives. This is another social evil that we should get rid of. Women are entitled to their rights. They equally have the right to choose their life choices and make their life decisions by themselves.